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  • Study Group: The Wasteland Grows

    Freitag, 29.06.2018 - 18:45 Uhr

Study Group: The Wasteland Grows

Talk with Laurence Stallings and Scott Stelle, d.a.i. Tübingen. Well, where do we go from here? Since his inauguration Donald Trump’s twitter driven “soundbite” Presidency has had a rare “talent” for scandal and outrage on a weekly basis (“a shoe drops every week” according to Senator John McCain). The United States today are more than ever a divided nation under Donald Trump. In any case, despite the populist rhethoric, he still has not developed a coherent domestic and foreign policy worthy of the name. In short, he doesn’t act but reacts ad hoc to events. A prime example: North Corea’s nuclear capacity, and the intercontinental ballistic missiles’ capability of hitting Alaska. War looming on the horizon cannot be ruled out, according to a military option being considered by the Trump administration. We’re looking forward to an exciting quarter and interesting discussions. Come one, come all…


In English

Location: d.a.i. conference room

Admission: free for members, donations welcome

Further dates: Fr. 27.7.


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