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  • ABGESAGT: Teacher Training Seminar: The Comeback of Populism

    Mittwoch, 31.01.2018 - 14:00 Uhr - 17:30 Uhr

**ABGESAGT** Teacher Training Seminar: The Comeback of Populism

**Aufgrund der leider zu geringen Nachfrage müssen wir leider das Event absagen**

This seminar addresses populism in the United States as a political style and as part of democratic as well as antidemocratic discourse within a transatlantic perspective. Prompted by the recent re-emergence of right-wing populism, we want to examine the ways in which current populist movements present a threat or an opening for the Western democracies in which they emerge. How does populism protest and undermine democratic protocols? In what way does it attempt to shift the very grounds of political debates and which kind of issues loom large on populist agendas? These will be some of the questions we will discuss with a look at political texts, literature, and popular culture.

Prof. Dr. Paul holds the Chair for American Studies at the FAU, Erlangen-Nürnberg.

• In English
• Location: d.a.i. hall
• In cooperation with FÖRST, Verein der Freunde und Förderer desStaatlichen Seminars für Didaktik und Lehrerbildung (GYM) Tübingen.e.V.



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