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  • d.a.IMPACT Meetup

    Mittwoch, 05.06.2019 - 18:00 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr

Join Kim and Yasmin for the monthly meetup of d.a.IMPACT – a space to talk about American culture, meet new people, practice your English, and get the chance to actively create own events at the d.a.i.

Our next meeting is on July 3 @ 6pm in the d.a.i. room „New Orleans“

Attendance is free.

Questions? Contact us via kim.schafhauser [at] dai-tuebingen.de or yasmin.nasrudin [at] dai-tuebingen.de 

Unsere Förderer

Contact us!

Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen
Karlstr. 3 · 72072 Tübingen
Tel. 07071-795 26-0 · Fax 07071-795 26-26
mail [at] dai-tuebingen.de · www.dai-tuebingen.de


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Bibliothek: Di - Fr: 13.00 - 18.00, Sa: 11.00 - 14.00 Uhr
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Sekretariat: Di - Fr: 9:00 - 18.00 Uhr
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