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  • Study Group: The Wasteland Grows

    Freitag, 29.09.2017 - 18:45 Uhr

Study Group: The Wasteland Grows

Talk and discussion with Laurence Stallings and Scott Stelle, d.a.i. Tübingen. Well, where do we go from here? Since his inauguration, Donald Trump’s twitter driven “soundbite” presidency has had a rare “talent” for scandal and outrage on a weekly basis (“a shoe drops every week” according to Senator John McCain). The United States today are more than ever a divided nation under Donald Trump. In any case, despite the populist rhethoric, he still has not developed a coherent domestic and foreign policy worthy of the name. In short, he doesn’t act but reacts ad hoc to events. A prime example: North Korea’s nuclear capacity and now the intercontinental ballistic missiles’ capability of hitting Alaska. War looming on the horizon cannot be ruled out, according to a military option being considered by the Trump administration. We’re looking forward to an exciting quarter and interesting discussions. Come one, come all…

In English

Location: d.a.i. conference room

Admission: free for members, donations welcome

Further dates: Fr. 27.10., Fr. 17.11., Fr. 22.12.

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