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  • Kill It to Save It: The Triumph of Capitalism Over Democracy

    Mittwoch, 16.05.2018 - 20:00 Uhr

Singing lecture with Corey Dolgon, Stonehill College Massachusetts. Corey Dolgon is both folk singer & sociologist and in his “singing lecture” he focuses on the role of folk songs in the U.S. labor movement and examines their function in workers’ lives, labor, organizing and various social movements. But he’ll also talk about his newest book Kill It to Save It (2017). He argues that American citizens now accept a political culture that embraces a willingness to agree to arguments that feel right “in the gut” regardless of science or facts. For Dolgon, this ongoing crisis in US policy will not cease until a critical mass of American citizens recognize what has been lost, and in whose interest.

Dr. Corey Dolgon is Professor of Sociology and Director of Community Based Learning. He is past president of the Association for Humanist Sociology and has taught at Harvard and Clark University.

• In English
• Location: d.a.i. hall
• Admission: 8 €, reduced 5 €, d.a.i. members 3 €
• In cooperation with Weltethos-Institut Tübingen and the Department of Sociology of the University of Tübingen

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