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  • Racial Conflict in a Multicultural Society: The Film “Crash” as a Microcosm and Model

    Mittwoch, 05.04.2017 - 18:15 Uhr

Talk with Miguel Prieto-Valle, d.a.i. Tübingen. Everyone has prejudices, and perceiving ethnic differences is part of the human condition, so to pretend that a colorblind society is desirable, let alone possible, is to side with racism. Instead we want to look at racial stereotypes, systematic oppression, and examples of tension amongst the different ethnic groups to understand how racism works in a multicultural society. To this end the film Crash serves as a jump-off point for discussion of several key issues in contemporary American life: racial conflict, coexistence and violence, (illegal) immigration, the police state and state of the police, and who gets to be American.

Miguel Prieto-Valle from California will lead his interactive talk that asks participants to crash into a stranger’s world in order to break down barriers and build up diversity. 

In English

School classes, please sign up at 07071/ 795 26-0 or sekretariat@ dai-tuebingen.de in advance for this event, the number of places is restricted.

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