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  • Racism and Anti-Racism: A White Problem?

    Dienstag, 06.11.2018 - 18:15 Uhr

Talk with Bret McEvoy, Tübingen. Greatly disturbed by frequent images of police brutality and the platform Donald Trump's rise has given to more overt forms of racism and xenophobia, many white liberals have recently awakened to the reality that racism continues to plague the contemporary United States.  Yet as white folks begin to get more involved in anti-racism efforts, they are often forced to confront the fact that they too may be complicit in keeping the racist system in place.  Bret McEvoy shares his research on white-dominated anti-racist projects in Boston, and their struggle to effectively contribute to undoing racism while they remain part of a system that privileges them for being white. 

Bret McEvoy is a PhD Candidate at the Fletcher School, Tufts University, USA, and currently lives with his wife and daughter in Tübingen.

Location: d.a.i. hall
Admission: 6 € / reduced 3 € / d.a.i.-members free

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