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  • Study Group: World as a Powder Keg?

    Freitag, 28.06.2024 - 19:30 Uhr

Conversation group with d.a.i. teacher Scott Stelle. Let’s hope the Cold War 2.0 stays cool in 2024 because things are heating up. It seems like some media outlets are only capable of dealing with one crisis at a time: For years all we heard about was Covid-19, only to be displaced with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and now the Israeli invasion of Gaza has the world’s attention. This quarter, we plan to look at all of these crises and how they affect the World and its imperial center.

Join us in a monthly exploration of the Unites States’ global interests and commitments. Whether formal or informal, the effective control of subordinated societies by great powers is what defines imperialism. We favor a behavioral, not a juridical, view of American imperial power. Yet, we also pay attention to the structural tension between an American Empire and an American Republic based on constitutional checks and balances. Government transparency and oversight are issues worthy of further discussion since President Biden has championed democracy.

We are looking forward to inviting special guests throughout the year and meeting new participants.

In English

Admission: free

Location: d.a.i. “Ann Arbor” room

Further dates: Fr. 26.7.

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