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  • In Time of Crisis: The U.S. Presidential Elections 2020

    Dienstag, 15.09.2020 - 19:00 Uhr


Vortrag von Prof. em. Paul Rundquist, PhD. The 59th American presidential election takes place in an environment that has never existed in the history of the nation. Candidates who cannot campaign or travel easily because of quarantines are campaigning from home; usual election processes are stopped or altered; typical political coalitions appear to break apart. The disruption of the normal political campaign and election process has changed the way American voters see the political process. Public health problems mixed with economic disturbance makes for an uncertain and unusual campaign in the fall.
Prof. Paul Rundquist will take a look at the current state of the election process and ask important questions: What do we know already? What is still to be settled between now and November 3, and beyond? And, what may be the impact of the election on U.S. relations with Germany and the EU in general?
• Ort: online via Zoom.
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