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  • Get Off Your Seat, Let´s Meet and Greet

    Mittwoch, 25.10.2017 - 18:30 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr

Get Off Your Seat, Let´s Meet and Greet!

German students welcome American students. How about an easy way to break the ice and chat with both Germans and Americans? Come together in a relaxed atmosphere, meet new friends who share your interests, and simply have a good time hanging out at the Tübingen information fair. There will be music, info stands, quizzes and much more! And it may very well be the beginning of a “wunderbare Freundschaft”!

In English

Location: d.a.i. hall

Admission and beverages free

Guests: Hochschulsport Universität Tübingen, Landestheater Tübingen, Studit, Tübingen Hawks, Zimmertheater Tübingen, Kinderhaus Französische Allee and many more.

In cooperation with Universität Tübingen, Dezernat für Internationale Angelegenheiten.

Unsere Förderer

Contact us!

Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen
Karlstr. 3 · 72072 Tübingen
Tel. 07071-795 26-0 · Fax 07071-795 26-26
mail [at] dai-tuebingen.de · www.dai-tuebingen.de


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Bibliothek: Di - Fr: 13.00 - 18.00, Sa: 11.00 - 14.00 Uhr
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Sekretariat: Di - Fr: 9:00 - 18.00 Uhr
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