• Deutsch
  • English
  • Meet Team Germany 2018

    We are from Schleswig-Holstein and Baden-Wuerttemberg and represent youth councils from Büchen, Esslingen am Neckar, Heidelberg, Metzingen, Neumünster, Niebüll, Reutlingen, Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Tübingen and Vaihingen/Enz.

  • Meet Team USA 2018

    We are from Alabama and Georgia and represent youth councils and similar youth leadership comittees from Athens, Birmingham, Clayton, Columbus, Hampton, Macon-Bibb and Sugar Hill.

  • Ambassadors in Sneakers

    Ambassadors in Sneakers is a four-week educational program that brings together youth councils and similar youth leadership committees from Germany and the U.S.

    While travelling together in both counrtries, the young leaders learn about places and institutions that are significant for the development of and struggle for human rights. They meet activists, media representatives and politicians and learn from them, as well as from and with each other.

Interkulturelle Projekte

A Young Leaders’ Transatlantic Summer Academy on Human Rights


Ambassadors in Sneakers 2018

12 students each from Germany and the United States spent four exciting weeks together, learning about human rights, youth participation, transatlantic relations, and intercultural communication in both countries.

In the summer of 2018, the participants were members of youth councils, youth parliaments, and youth advisory boards as well as other young leaders from Alabama, Georgia, Schleswig-Holstein and Baden-Wuerttemberg.


The trips

Part 1: Kiel & Berlin (Sat. May 19 - Sat. June 2, 2018)
Part 2: Birmingham & New York City (Sat. July 21 - Sat. August 4, 2018)


Program Reports & Pictures

What did the Ambassadors in Sneakers do this year? Who did they meet during their trips? And what made this year's program unique? Check out our complete program below:


Week 1 in Northern Germany


Week 2 in Berlin


Week 3 in Alabama


Week 4 in New York City



Team Germany sends greetings to Team USA during their info session in March 2018:



Media coverage

Vaihinger Kreiszeitung, April 20, 2018: "Kleinglattbacher als Botschafter für Menschenrechte"

Wgxatv.com, May 8, 2018: "Macon high school students become Ambassadors in Sneakers"

Holsteinischer Courier, July 23, 2018: "Ein anderer Blick auf die USA"

Khabar.com, September 2018: "Ambassadors in Sneakers: high school students travel to learn about human rights"

Schwäbisches Tagblatt, October 2, 2018: "In Turnschuhen zu Vereinten Nationen"

Vahinger Kreiszeitung, October 5, 2018: "Wo einst Martin Luther King predigte"

Stuttgarter-Zeitung.de, October 10, 2018: "Zwei junge Vaihinger reisen durch Trumps Amerika"


Team USA introduces the project "Ambassadors in Sneakers" to their community on the local news in Early May 2018:


Sponsors and partners

"Ambassadors in Sneakers - A Young Leaders' Transatlantic Summer Academy on Human Rights" was developed by the German-American Institute Tuebingen (dai). It is very generously supported by the Transatlantic Program of the Federal Republic of Germany, which is funded by the European Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi), as well as by a great number of other supporters. Our partners in 2018 included:


If you want to support the "Ambassadors in Sneakers", too, get in touch with us!

Unsere Förderer

Contact us!

Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen
Karlstr. 3 · 72072 Tübingen
Tel. 07071-795 26-0 · Fax 07071-795 26-26
mail [at] dai-tuebingen.de · www.dai-tuebingen.de


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