Presentation Visits offer input talks to school classes which are held by US-experts with pedagogical experience. The topics cover a wide range of US-specific topics that are to be covered by the syllabus.
The topics encompass political processes, human rights, immigration, social movements and global warming. They also cover the Abitur focus “The Ambiguity of Belonging". During election years we also offer talks on the presidential elections.
As native speakers our speakers bring a unique perspective to every topic as they can combine facts with personal life experiences and anecdotes.
Normally, a Presentation Visit lasts 90 minutes: 70 minutes are planned for the talk and 20 minutes are dedicated to a discussion which engages the students.
A Presentation Visit can take place on-site or virtually. A school class’ visit in the d.a.i. is also possible and can be combined with a library tour or an introduction of our databases.
The offer of topics is currently being revised. If you are unsure before registering for a Presentation Visit, please contact the coordinator of the program, Yasmin Nasrudin, for consultation.
Your topic is not included? You are very welcome to suggest a topic but please remember that is has to reflect Baden-Württemberg’s syllabus.
The service charge per student is 4,-€ . If your school is a d.a.i.-member it is 3,-€ per student. You can ask for a flat charge should multiple classes partake. Please remember that we have to take the speaker’s fee as well as their travels into account.
You have a desired date in mind? Then you can register immediately.
If you are still unsure, we are happy to consult you both in regard to the choice of format and topic. Feel free to write an email to or give us a call under 07071/ 795 26 19.
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen
Karlstr. 3 · 72072 Tübingen
Tel. 07071-795 26-0 · Fax 07071-795 26-26
mail [at] ·
Visit us!
Bibliothek: Di - Fr: 13.00 - 18.00, Sa: 11.00 - 14.00 Uhr
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Sekretariat: Di - Fr: 9:00 - 18.00 Uhr
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