Article in the newspaper "Südwestpresse" on a visit of our "Rent an American" project in a school in Haigerloch during the presidential elections 2020:
Link to the article
Interim Direktor Felix Weinmann
... in an interview with the radio channel "SWR 4" on the riots at the US capitol in January 2021:
Listen an interview with the radio channel "Antenne 1" on the developments of the US elections 2020:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 an interview with the "IHK Reutlingen" on the US elections 2020:
Link to the article
d.a.i. staff member Sarah Taylor an interview with the radio channel "Die Neue 107.7" on the US elections 2020:
Part 1 | Part 2 an interview on the US elections with the newspaper "Reutlinger GEA":
Link to the article an interview during election night with the radio channel "SWR 3":
... in the podcast "Paus N' Brot Spezial" on the US elections 2020:
(US-)Political expert Thomas Gijswijt, PhD. in an interview with "SWR" on the elections 2020:
Announcement by the "SWR" for the d.a.i. Election Night 2020:
d.a.i.-member of staff Yasmin Nasrudin in a conversation with "Festival TV":
Trainee Kim Schafhauser & d.a.i. teacher Lucas Ogden on the radio channel "SWR":
Listen (Kim)
Listen (Luke)
Our cinema-video ad:
Talk by Antje Schrupp: "Vote for Victoria - Das wilde Leben von Amerikas erster Präsidentschaftskandidatin Victoria Woodhull" of Wed. 02/13/2019:
"Krieg in Syrien - Hoffnung auf Frieden?" Freelance journalist Karin Leukefeld, Damaskus, reporting on the latest developments in Syria in the d.a.i. on Mo. 03/07
Watch the TTIP debate between Andreas Povel (AmCham) and Boris Palmer (mayor of Tübingen) of 02/06/15 in the "Weltethos Institut Tübingen":
American Studies Day 2014: Lectures in the web stream
The cultural scientiest Tricia Rose as well as the author Luis J. Rodriguez gave high-profile lectures during the "American Studies Day" on July 5, 2014. The lectures were also completely streamed online.
Tricia Rose's lecture "Hope in Dystopian Times: How Black American Popular Culture Can Help Us Today" explained how Afro-American culture diversly shapes today's U.S. American society. Luis J. Rodriguez reflects both in his award-winning books and his reading on his time in a Los Angeles'
Videos of our election night-event 2021:
You can find further information on the event on our auf unserem YouTube-Kanal, amongst other things an interview with the Boris Palmer, the mayor of Tübingen.
Video vom Karl-May Liederabend:
On the website of Campus TV you can find high quality live recording of our recital for Karl May at the Sparkassencarré. The motto was "songs as German as the Wild West".
Live-Mitschnitt von Duck Bakers Konzert 1981 im d.a.i. Tübingen:
Auf YouTube finden Sie weitere Mitschnitte des Konzerts.
Press release about the d.a.i :
Artikel in der Februar 2011-Ausgabe der Zeitschrift "Schulverwaltung"
For Kids:
US-Bundesstaaten raten (externer Link)
The d.a.i on Facebook:
You can find us on There, you can find news all about the d.a.i. competitions or insider tips on several topics.
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen
Karlstr. 3 · 72072 Tübingen
Tel. 07071-795 26-0 · Fax 07071-795 26-26
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Bibliothek: Di - Fr: 13.00 - 18.00, Sa: 11.00 - 14.00 Uhr
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