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Intercultural projects



The Intercultural Projects department is particularly focused on creating opportunities for cultural exchanges between German and American youth. Young people participate in programs where they can critically examine transatlantic issues. Intercultural competencies are promoted in a fun way and young perspectives on the USA and Germany are sharpened. 

In addition to our flagships "Rent an American" and "Ambassadors in Sneakers," d.a.i. also runs smaller projects and offers educational opportunities to close learning gaps in English as part of the state's "Lernen mit Rückenwind" program.


Current Projects

Ambassadors in Sneakers   Rent an American
Lernen mit Rückenwind   Fake or Real? Become a Fact-Checker!



Past Projects

Across the Pond (2021) d.a.i. goes hip hop (2016-2021) Going Green (2020)

Americans of Tübingen (2019) German Year (2018-2019) Access (2018)
High School Exchange (2013-2016) English Youth Theater (2011-2012) Sharing Views (2011)



Unsere Förderer

Contact us!

Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen
Karlstr. 3 · 72072 Tübingen
Tel. 07071-795 26-0 · Fax 07071-795 26-26
mail [at] dai-tuebingen.de · www.dai-tuebingen.de


Visit us!

Bibliothek: Di - Fr: 13.00 - 18.00, Sa: 11.00 - 14.00 Uhr
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Sekretariat: Di - Fr: 9:00 - 18.00 Uhr
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