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Rent an American


Das Schulprogramm "Rent an American" bringt Amerikaner*innen und Deutsche zusammen.


About the project

Rent an American has been arranging school visits with guests from the United States to schools in Tuebingen's administrative district since 2007. As discussion partners and experts, you represent your country. As citizen diplomats, you give insights into their everyday life (Conversation Visit). Language trainers will provide a transatlantic perspective on U.S. topics from the state's education plan (Presentation and Project Visit). You can find more details about the three formats by clicking the respective button. For more info, check out our brochure and subscribe to our newsletter covering school-related topics.

Are you unsure which format suits your class or study group the best? We are happy to advise you: Write an e-mail to rentanamerican@dai-tuebingen.de or call the administrative office at 07071/795 26 0.



Our Formats




We offer an introductory workshop for program participants biannually (April and October). You receive training in intercultural communication, and you will be prepared for school visits. The next workshop will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2025, from 10 am to 4 pm. During the course of the service-learning program, you, as a citizen diplomat, have the opportunity to learn and develop important soft skills. In collaboration with the University of Tuebingen and the University of Hohenheim, you can earn one ECTS if you complete at least three school visits and hand in a written report on your experience.

Are you interested in participating? Feel free to register and connect with our staff member, Yasmin Nasrudin, who coordinates the program. We look forward to meeting you soon!






I had a really great "Rent an American" experience at this school! I felt kind of like a rock star! This visit concreted the facts that 1) I will become a teacher and 2) That I need to come back to Germany.  I told my parents about this visit, and they said that I probably made the kids’  day, but in all seriousness, they made mine! Can’t wait to get rented again! (Victoria S., Sonoma State University)


Thank you "Rent an American" for letting me show German students that there is more to me and America than the stereotypes in movies and on television. (Susan D.)


I had never thought that Germans knew so little about normal American lifestyle when they seem to know so much about American politics and economics. (Erica C., Horbart and William Smith Colleges New York)


I had never thought that we Americans were so isolated. There is much that we have to learn about Europe or anywhere outside our own coutry if we want to better understand Germans and Germany. (Samantha P., Fulbright Teaching Assistant)


"Rent an American" has been one of my most meaningful experiences while living abroad. Engaging with German students in a dialogue about aspects of the USA and its culture has forced me to work through many of my own poorly-conceived ideas and concretely formulate my own positions on issues, political and otherwise. I would recommend it to any visiting student. (Margaret H., Graduate Student at the University of Tübingen)


I want to go into research involving diseases affecting people around the globe, and to do so, it really helps to be able to communicate across cultures. Taking part in "Rent an American" really helped to give me a wonderful experience and education in inter-cultural dialogue, and it showed. When I interviewed at different top-level graduate programs, all were impressed that I was taking part in such a great program! My experiences from taking part in "Rent an American" have been extremely valuable, and will continue to be so in the future. Thanks! (Jeff T., Havard Graduate School)


Our opinion about renting an American: At first, Rebecca, the American student, told us something about the history, the landscape and about the culture of America. These things were very nice and interesting. Rebecca informed us about special festivals in America. One of these special days is the Rodeo-day. On this day some kids can sell their animals (like sheep or cows), which they have bred for a good cause or for fun. In one sentence we can say that Rebecca’s presentation was very good and informative, because we had a good presenter and so we learned many things and facts about the USA. (Klasse 7a, Königin-Katharina-Stift Stuttgart)


This is great – my form 6 just loved „our“ American student! E. was charming, we all learned a lot about Thanksgiving in the US, in California and in E.’s family; the kids will never forget the games we played at the end, we laughed till we cried. For E., it was a good way to learn more about the history of Thanksgiving compared to Erntedank, and the German pupils were able to point out differences and similarities. After the lessons, we had a very nice meal at our house and E. got to know my family … now my wife wants to rent an American, too. She is also a teacher. (Harald W., Seminar Tübingen / Gymnasium Hechingen)




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Contact us!

Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen
Karlstr. 3 · 72072 Tübingen
Tel. 07071-795 26-0 · Fax 07071-795 26-26
mail [at] dai-tuebingen.de · www.dai-tuebingen.de


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Bibliothek: Di - Fr: 13.00 - 18.00, Sa: 11.00 - 14.00 Uhr
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Sekretariat: Di - Fr: 9:00 - 18.00 Uhr
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