You can find our latest call for applications in German here.
The German-American Institute Tübingen, a binational institution, regularly looks for interns (from the subjects American Studies, Cultural Studies, Political Science, Education Science, or another related subject) to work with us in our culture and education institution. During your internship, you will work in the following areas in succession: cultural program / public relations, language program, library, travels / camps and intercultural projects / student advising.
Application Period ca. Mid-April until end of June
mid-October until mid-February
mid-February until Mid-April
Application Period ca. Mid-October until end of January
mid-April until end of-July
end of August until Mid-October
We welcome everyone who is dedicated, talented in organizing things, and has good English proficiency.
We cannot offer you a salary but rather a fun time, an amazing team and profitable "training on the job".
Explicitly welcome are application by people with personal or familial migration history, especially of People of Color.
Sadly, we are unable to consider any applications posted outside of the stated application period. However, we are happy to add you to our interested party list and send you the next call for application. Please send a quick mail at Sekretariat@dai-tuebingen.de.
Working in cultural institutions and educational establishments is great fun for me as the work is very versatile. At the d.a.i. I had the opportunity to apply the theory I learned in my studies of Interdisciplinary American Studies hands-on. The team at the d.a.i. is very nice and always happy to help. I was able to get to know the different departments (library, language program, events, student advising) very well and fulfill a variety of different tasks (e.g. social media posts, event preparation, research for media tips for the library). I could incorporate my own ideas and let my creativity run free. - Miriam V., Mai 2021
(Die Arbeit an kulturellen Einrichtugen und Bildungsinstituten macht mir sehr viel Spaß, da die Arbeit so vielseitig ist. Beim d.a.i. konnte ich gut die Inhalte meines Studiums in Interdisziplinäre Amerikastudien in der Praxis anwenden. Das Team beim d.a.i. ist super nett und immer hilfsbereit. Ich durfte die verschiedenen Abteilungen (Bibliothek, Sprachprogramm, Events, USA-Beratung) gut kennenlernen und konnte eine große Vielfalt an Aufgaben machen (z.B. Social Media Posts, Events vorbereiten, Recherche für Medientipps für die Bibliothek). Ich durfte eigene Ideen miteinbeziehen und meiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen.)
During my time at the d.a.i. I was able to apply the theories I learned in university hands-on and optimally combine my two fields of study (Media Studies and English). Thanks to the rotation through the different departments there was continuous change and new challenges to face. I especially liked that we were allowed to fulfill creative tasks on our own (e.g. creation of Social Media Posts or being of assistance to writing advertising texts). - Annika S., Jan. 2021
(Während meiner Zeit am d.a.i. konnte ich die Theorie der Uni endlich mal in die Praxis umsetzen und dabei meine beiden Studienfächer (Medienwissenschaften und Anglistik/Amerikanistik) optimal kombinieren. Vor allem durch den Wechsel in die verschiedenen Abteilungen hat man eine stetige Abwechslung und steht immer wieder vor neuen Herausforderungen. Mir hat es besonders gut gefallen, dass man viele kreative Aufgaben in Eigenarbeit ausführen konnte, wie z.B das Erstellen von Social Media Posts oder die Mithilfe bei Werbetexten.)
An internship at the d.a.i. is the perfect opportunity to have a deep look behind the scenes of a cultural institutes. Consequently, such an internship should not be taken lightly. Engagement and hard work are key. If you bring these with you to work you will be able to learn a lot that might just help you later, personally or on a professional level – maybe even at the d.a.i. because most employees were once an intern too. - Martin L., Juli 2018
(Ein Praktikum beim d.a.i. bietet eine fantastische Gelegenheit, tiefe Einblicke hinter die Kulissen eines Kulturinstitutes zu erhalten. Daher sollte man ein solches Praktikum nicht auf die leichte Schulter nehmen. Engagement und Fleiß sind hier gefragt. Bringt ihr aber das mit, könnt ihr hier eine Menge lernen, was euch sowohl persönlich als auch später im Beruf weiter bringen wird – vielleicht sogar im d.a.i. selbst. Die meisten Beschäftigten haben tatsächlich als Prakti angefangen.)
Working at the d.a.i. is the perfect opportunity to gain new experience, get insights into professional life, and work independently. You will get to know a lot of friendly people and will have a great chance to further your education, get career orientation, and make new contacts. - Jonas S., Oct. 2014
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen
Karlstr. 3 · 72072 Tübingen
Tel. 07071-795 26-0 · Fax 07071-795 26-26
mail [at] dai-tuebingen.de · www.dai-tuebingen.de
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Bibliothek: Di - Fr: 13.00 - 18.00, Sa: 11.00 - 14.00 Uhr
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Sekretariat: Di - Fr: 9:00 - 18.00 Uhr
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