• Deutsch
  • English
  • Women in Science and Technology: Study and Research Opportunities in the U.S.

    Mittwoch, 18.05.2022 - 18:00 Uhr

Info Session with Jessa Karki, Champlain College, Vermont.

Women are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). There has been a push by governments and institutions to support girls and women in STEM by offering more study and research opportunities. In this session, you will get an overview of the options available at Champlain College. Majors are offered in app development, cybersecurity, data science, and game sound design, to name a few.

In English

Online via Zoom www.dai-tuebingen.de/science

Admission: free

In cooperation with EducationUSA and Champlain College


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