Talk with Prof. Dr. Sabine Hake, Austin, TX and Prof. Dr. Georg Schild, Tübingen. Anti-Americanism remains one of the few acceptable forms of prejudice. Meanwhile, the process of what is still called Americanization continues unabated. But what does Americanization actually mean? What are the characteristics of Anti-Americanism? And what has made America both a wishful dream and a nightmare since the European discovery of the New World? One way of untangling this complex dynamic involves looking at the scholarship on Anti-Americanism and what it says about America and Europe as a part of a distinctly European discursive construct made up of imaginaries and projections and intended above all to make sense of Europe’s place in the world today.
Prof. Dr. Sabine Hake is Texas Chair of German Literature and Culture Department of Germanic Studies at the University of Texas, Austin and a former FRIAS fellow (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies).
Prof. Dr. Georg Schild has been Professor of North American History at the University of Tübingen since 2004 with a focus on the history of U.S. foreign and security policy, and American social and constitutional history.
In English
Location: d.a.i. hall
Admission: free
In cooperation with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and Seminar für Zeitgeschichte, Universität Tübingen