Talk with Prof. Dr. Andreas Rauscher. Generations of American teens have grown up with comic book heroes like Spiderman, Ironman, and the Hulk. Since the first action-packed blockbuster about superhero Ironman in 2008, a network of story-wise linked movies and series is exploding. Especially the streaming service Disney+ has contributed to this success since the company supports the adaptation of one Marvel comic book character after another into series. A success which may come as a surprise given that most movies and series feature stereotypical comic characters: young men who transform from outsiders to saviors of the world fighting mad scientists or revenge seeking villains. But lately, something seems to be changing. Does the action-packed hero universe become a site of critical reflection after all? Dr. Andreas Rauscher will analyze this question and more on the basis of Black Panther (2018) and its sequel Wakanda Forever (2022).
Prof. Dr. Andreas Rauscher is a visiting professor at the Institute for Media Cultural Studies at the University of Freiburg. His research interests include film studies in transmedial contexts and comics and film. His published works have already focused on Star Trek, Star Wars, Game Studies, David Lynch, The Simpsons, and James Bond.
In English
Location: d.a.i. hall
Admission: free