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  • Doing Good with Dirty Money? On the Role of the Profits of Nazi Crimes in German Philanthropy

    Dienstag, 10.05.2022 - 20:00 Uhr

Talk with Zachary Gallant, Stiftung Weltethos, Tübingen. Germany's working through of its Nazi past is promoted internationally as a model for dealing with crimes of the past. But how thoroughly was Germany really denazified? Research shows that many businesses & families who profited from the Holocaust largely held on to that ill-gotten capital & use it to whitewash their family images through patronage today. What are the implications of putting names of Nazi profiteers on universities, public parks & even Holocaust remembrance projects? What lessons can the USA take from this in the context of historic crimes like slavery or the genocide of the Native Americans?

Zachary Gallant is Project Director for "Values are One”, an intercultural understanding pilot project of the Stiftung Weltethos in Tübingen. He has worked for multiple refugee and interfaith organizations, including the EU-funded Muslim Jewish Coalition for Combatting Hatred and the Integrationswerkstatt, which was awarded the German Integration Prize in 2019. Gallant is the author of „Brauner Boden: Ein jüdischer Blick auf die deutsche Aufarbeitung der NS-Zeit”, with Katharina F. Gallant (Westend Verlag, 2022).

Im Anschluss Gespräch mit: Dr. Bernd Villhauer, Weltethos Institut

Talk in English, Gespräch in deutscher Sprache
Location: d.a.i. hall & d.a.i. livestream via www.dai-tuebingen.de/gallant
Admission: free, current COVID regulations apply.

In cooperation with Stiftung Weltethos and Weltethos Institut


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