• Deutsch
  • English
  • Selbsteinstufungstest Englisch


Der nachfolgende Test ist mit 80 Fragen recht ausführlich und dauert ca. 15 -20 Minuten. Dieser Umfang von Fragen ist notwendig, um eine möglichst genaue Einstufung vorzunehmen.

Das erzielte Ergebnis lässt vor allem Aussagen über Ihr passives Sprachvermögen bzw. Ihr Grammatikverständnis zu, weniger jedoch über Ihre aktiven Sprachkenntnisse. Für die Teilnahme an unseren Englischkursen ist jedoch die Beurteilung der aktiven Sprachkenntnisse ein wesentlicher Faktor.

Daher bitten wir Sie, sich vor dem ersten Sprachkursbesuch noch einmal kurz mit uns in Verbindung zu setzen.

Diese Vorgehensweise bewahrt Sie vor Einstufungen in ungeeignete Englischkurse.


Test zur Selbsteinstufung

Sie möchten einen Englischkurs besuchen, wissen aber nicht, welcher Kurs zu Ihnen passt? Bei uns im Institut können Sie sich während der Öffnungszeiten (Di - Fr 9 - 18 Uhr) persönlich beraten lassen.

Sie wollen sich erst einmal selbstständig orientieren? Bei uns haben Sie die Möglichkeit, eine erste Einschätzung Ihrer Englischkenntnisse selbst vorzunehmen:

Hierfür haben wir einen eigenen Selbsteinstufungstest entwickelt, welchen Sie im Folgenden bearbeiten können (durchschnittliche Bearbeitungsdauer: ca. 15 - 20 Minuten).

Bevor Sie mit den Aufgaben beginnen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, diese Hinweise zu berücksichtigen:

  • Nehmen Sie sich Zeit. Ihr Abschneiden hängt nicht von der individuellen Bearbeitungsdauer ab.
  • Lesen Sie die Anweisungen zu jeder Aufgabe genau durch.
  • Wenn Sie nicht ganz sicher sind, lassen Sie die Aufgabe ungelöst.
  • Die Aufgaben werden fortlaufend schwieriger. Sollten Sie einen Punkt erreichen, an dem Sie wiederholt Lösungen nur noch erraten können, so hören Sie bitte auf. Klicken Sie dann einfach frühzeitig auf AUSWERTEN, um das Ergebnis der von Ihnen gelösten Aufgaben zu erhalten.
  • Es ist in Ihrem Interesse, nur die Aufgaben zu lösen, die Sie selber lösen können.
  • Für jede Aufgabe gibt es nur eine richtige Antwort!

Teil I

Wählen Sie die beste Antwort zur jeweiligen Frage.
1. Hi!
a) Good morning.
b) Goodbye.
2. What do you do?
a) I'm Chinese.
b) I'm a teacher
3. How do you do?
a) Very well, thank you.
b) I'm thirty-two.
4. Where is 17 Church Street?
a) Not very well.
b) In America.
5. Is the book over there?
a) I already read it.
b) No, I'm sorry, it's not.
Welcher der folgenden Sätze ergibt einen Sinn?
a) Have you got any brothers?
b) Have got you any brothers?
c) Have any you got brothers?
a) Your name Ann is Smith?
b) Your Ann Smith is name?
c) Is your name Ann Smith?
a) Are Lucy and her brother students?
b) Her students are Lucy and brother.
c) Lucy and her students are brother.
a) Catherine's is father from where?
b) From where is Catherine's father?
c) Father Catherine's is where from?
a) First name how do you spell to?
b) Do you spell your first name how?
c) How do you spell your first name?
Welches der folgenden Wörter passt am besten in die Lücke?
11. I live ______ the fourth floor.
many much his on
12. How ______ people are there in your class?
many much his on
13. How ______ money have you got?
many much his on
14. John and ______ wife live in the house next door
many much his on
Wählen Sie das Wort aus, das sich von den anderen unterscheidet.
15. a) hour b) birth c) week d) month
16. a) eat b) drink c) draw d) noisy
17. a) goodbye b) think c) remember d) forget
18. a) noisy b) comfortable c) quiet d) ticket
19. a) ski b) swim c) run d) answer
20. a) city b) town c) station d) village
Welcher der folgenden Artikel passt in die Lücke?
21. She comes from ....... London.
a) a b) an c) the d) --- (kein Artikel)
22. What's ....... time?
a) a b) an c) the d) --- (kein Artikel)
23. My brother is ........ doctor.
a) a b) an c) the d) --- (kein Artikel)
24. Do you like ........ music?
a) a b) an c) the d) --- (kein Artikel)
25. What are you eating? ....... orange.
a) a b) an c) the d) --- (kein Artikel)
26. Where are ....... nearest restrooms?
a) a b) an c) the d) --- (kein Artikel)
27. They are over there by ....... stairs.
a) a b) an c) the d) --- (kein Artikel)
28. Do you know, is ....... coffee really bad for your health?
a) a b) an c) the d) --- (kein Artikel)
Wählen Sie die richtige Zeitform aus.
29. What .......... next Friday?
a) do you
b) are you doing
c) is you doing
d) you do
30. When I ........ a small child I ........ in Canada.
a) were ... lived
b) was ... lived
c) was ... living
d) was ... live
31. If you drink too much alcohol you ... drunk.
a) are getting
b) would get
c) will get
d) were getting
32 .She knocked at the door while ... .
a) we were watching TV
b) we are watching TV
c) we have watched TV
d) we watched TV
33. You'll come on time, ... ?
a) will you
b) do you
c) are you
d) won't you
34. I got up late this morning so the train ... when I arrived at the station.
a) had already left
b) left
c) had been leaving
d) is leaving
35. I......in Herrenberg......15 years.
a) have lived......for
b) have lived......since
c) am living......for
d) lived.......for

Teil II

Wählen Sie aus den rechts angegebenen Wörtern (a - d) immer dasjenige aus, welches am besten zu den vier Adjektiven passt.
36. fast, portable, user-friendly
a) an office b) a secretary c) a computer d) a price
37. low, high, competitive
a) an office b) a secretary c) a computer d) a price
38. reliable, punctual, bilingual
a) an office b) a secretary c) a computer d) a price
39. tidy, organised, air-conditioned
a) an office b) a secretary c) a computer d) a price
Eine Vertreterin spricht mit ihrem Chef. Wählen Sie das richtige Adjektiv aus.
40. Thank you very much for a very a) interested b) interesting presentation.
41. We were all very a) interesting b) interested.
42. Of course, we're a) exciting b) excited to hear about this new product.
43. But the figures are a little a) confusing b) confused.
44. We were a) surprising b) surprised by next year's sales targets. They're very high.
45. And this present recession is very a) worrying b) worried.
46. Anyway, it was a a) fascinating b) fascinated presentation.
47. And we were all a) amusing b) amused by your joke at the end.
Welches der folgenden Wörter passt nicht in die Reihe?
48. a) wood b) chair c) plastic d) steel
49. a) crate b) paper c) box d) case
50. a) a mistake b) a suggestion c) an error d) a workplace
51. a) metallic b) sad c) efficient d) happy
52. a) height b) length c) depth d) wide
53. a) prawn b) lobster c) crab d) veal
54. a) roast b) fry c) steak d) grill
55. a) mashed b) frozen c) fried d) baked
56. a) peach b) potato c) melon d) raspberry
57. a) pea b) salmon c) sole d) trout
58. a) lamb b) pork c) beef d) ham
59. a) cream b) butter c) cheese d) sausage
60. a) sprouts b) cauliflower c) carrots d) bread


Wählen Sie die beste Satzergänzung.
61. How many copies ....... with the order?
a) did we sent
b) sent we
c) have we sended
d) did we send
62. I remember asking him on the phone last November....
a) that the goods arrived on time
b) when the goods will arrive.
c) if the goods would arrive on time.
d) whether the goods arrived on time.
63. I can't find my glasses. ...... them anywhere in the office this morning?
a) Are you seeing them?
b) Saw you
c) Have you seen
d) Did you have
64. Their product .... more imaginatively this season.
a) is being marketed
b) is marketing
c) is been marketed
d) is marketed
65. If we want to make a big impact, .... consider a TV campaign.
a) we'll have to
b) we better
c) we had to
d) we've got
66. A word processor is ....a typewriter.
a) more easier to use than
b) easier to use as
c) as easy to use as
d) not as easy to use than
67. If you .... ice in warm water, it soon melts.
a) will place
b) would place
c) place
d) placed
68. The level of discount .... the size of the order that is placed.
a) is depending of
b) depends on
c) is depending on
d) depend on
69. We are looking forward .... you at next year's conference.
a) to see
b) to seeing
c) seeing
d) that we will see
70. The warehouse entrance is .... the main car park.
a) next to
b) next of
c) next from
d) next
71. The new price lists .... tomorrow and will be available in a few days.
a) will be printed
b) are printed
c) were printed
d) will print
72. If the components ....delivered earlier we might have been able to start work on time.
a) might have been
b) were
c) would have been
d) had been
73. When .... writing the report of the meeting?
a) have you finished
b) are you finishing
c) do you finish
d) will you have finished
74. Ms. Brown .... ten years.
a) has been head of this department for
b) is head of this department for
c) is head of this department since
d) has been head of this department since
75. The number of orders went up .... we increased our prices by 15%.
a) because
b) although
c) when
d) if
76. Mr. Black is the .... office you'll be sharing this month.
a) man, whose
b) man, of whom the
c) man of whom the
d) man whose
77. These documents arrived on Thursday, ....
a) arrived they?
b) didn't there?
c) didn't they?
d) weren't they?
78. What are your plans for this weekend? I .... my aunt in Brussels.
a) will visit
b) am going to visit
c) visit
d) am visiting
79. .... our newest brochure, which should arrive next week.
a) I just have sent
b) I have just sent
c) Just I have sent
d) I have sent just
80. When the mail ...., I'll bring it into your office.
a) will arrive
b) arrives
c) is arriving
d) is going to arrive

Richtige Antworten werden grün dargestellt, falsche Antworten werden rot gekennzeichnet.
Ihr Testergebnis

Punkte: Bitte klicken Sie auf "Auswerten".
Empfohlener Kurs: Bitte klicken Sie auf "Auswerten".

Sind Sie immer noch unsicher? Dann beraten wir Sie gerne auch persönlich während unserer Öffnungszeiten.

Testmaterial u.a. aus folgenden Quellen entnommen:
Swan, Michael u. Walter, Catherine. The New Cambridge English Course, 1. Cambridge:Cambridge UP, 1992.
Duckworth, Michael u. Hollett, Vicki. Business Objectives, Workbook. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.
Alexander, Richard u. Jones, Leo. New International Business English, Workbook. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, 2000.
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